Sunday, January 23, 2011

bila creative + terrorism

antara mainan faveret aku time kecik2 dulu adalah lego. aku rasa lego adalah mainan ultimate sebab flexible, takkan rosak, mudah utk dimain, macam2 outcome bleh buat. tapi lepas men aku salu malas nak kemas, akibatnya koleksi lego aku slalu kn rampas. rampas pastu kn sembunyi sampai skang tak jumpa2. mmg hebat hideout itu.

mcm2 benda creative yg org dah buat zaman skang. dari kereta mini bodoh2 sampai statue manusia. sungguh awesome. tp bila mainan lego dikaitkan ngan terrorism,..

Awesome and Dangerous Lego Weapons (17 pics + 2 videos)

Awesome and Dangerous Lego Weapons (17 pics + 2 videos)

Awesome and Dangerous Lego Weapons (17 pics + 2 videos)
 Awesome and Dangerous Lego Weapons (17 pics + 2 videos)

awesome babeng!

more legoweapon


cuaca kat utp, tronoh ni secara averagenya mmg panas. lebih hot daripada biasa! lam seminggu tu kadang2 takde hujan. aku takleh imagine camner keadaan kat jelebu, tempat paling kering kat malaysia ni. mungkin penduduk kat situ sumer layan tanam pokok kaktus. mungkin.

cuaca kat tronoh ni aku agak2 macam gunung berapi kra-ka-tau. aku tak sure camner ejaan gunung berapi tu yg sebenarnya tp bunyi lebih2 kurang sama. cincai2 la kata org. gunung berapi ni tak akan meletus utk beratus/berpuluh tahun, tp skali dia meletus, memang tak alang2. kaw2 dia bagi.

sembang pasal gunung berapi ni, aku teringat cikgu geografi aku dulu, cikgu ho. cikgu ho ni sangat awesome sampai dia bleh tulis kat blackboard sambil tgk student. ya, menulis tanpa melihat tanpa salah. awesome bukan? cikgu ho ttp dalam kenangan.

oh aku dah menyimpang jauh. apa2 pun, semalam sedang aku tgh drive kat ipoh, hujan turun kaw2. mengejut lak tu. mungkin sebab tu ramai yg jatuh sakit kat utp ni. nak dipendekkan citer, kat jalan byk la air betakung dan kete aku mengalami hydroplane. bahasa tak cool utk hydroplane = tayar keta meluncur di atas takungan air kat jalan raya dan menyebabkan hilang kawalan.

so next time aku ingat
  • baca doa sebelum mula pejalanan.
  • jangan langgar lopak air. sebelum ni aku mengaku aku agak bodoh kerana menyangka lopak air tu boleh membersih bahagian bawah keta kalo dilanggar. aku tahu korang pun penah follow teori ni. jgn tipu, nanti berdosa.
  • jangan bawa laju2 time hujan. better safe than sorry bebeh.
  • ucap Alhamdulillah sebab dipanjangkan umur n tak eksiden. sikit lagi kot. cuak bai.
ingatlah org tesayang. renung2 kan, selamat beramal

Friday, January 21, 2011

international monetary system

ayah aku penah cakap, yg duit kita, Ringgit Malaysia, actually lebih tinggi nilai dr U.S. Dollar. tapi hakikatnya tidak. USD1 = RM3.++ kalo tak silap.

aku tak paham, so ayah aku dgn sukarela explain kat aku otw balek rumah lam keta. tp aku rasa tahap kebebalan aku meningkat time lam keta so aku tak paham2. seperti biasa, aku buat2 paham utk menjaga hati ayah aku.

aku memang baik. aku tahu.

so aku try youtube pasal sistem kewangan ni. so here it is. easy to understand. mungkin sebab dye dah kaji menda ni bertahun2 kot.

in conclusion, the international monetary system that we are using now is a bullshit. that is why our Tun Dr Mahathir propose the usage of dinar emas. even this guy acknowledge Tun!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

macam sardin

"malas la naek monorail, nanti jadi cam sardin!"

"baik naek bas, bau masam la sial lrt tu.."

"nanti delay la, ape la, malas la naek komuter..nanti sampai2 dah malam"

"pukul 5 kot, gila ape ko nak naek monorail time ni??"

ya, mmg byk complain pasal monorail/komuter/lrt kat malaysia ni. serba tak betul la senang citer. aku pun kadang2 complain gak. fitrah manusia kot, tak pernah puas hati. tapi, subway kat jepun lagi macam haram :-

 Insane Tokyo Compression

 Insane Tokyo Compression

 Insane Tokyo Compression

 so aku rasa kita patut besyukur lagi ngan keadaan monorail/ktm/komuter kat malaysia ni kan? kan? kan?

 more? click izismile


i noe that it is not funny to laugh at other's failure..but this is just LOL

anyhow, i salute to the red coloured suit guy. he is very determined to finish the race while the others are still "WTF!". this video jz made my day! :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Life Hacks

no harm trying rite? good luck! :D

Life Hacks You Might Want to Know (1 pic) 

thanks to : theirtoys

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

more commixed!

no offense twilight fans out there! i jz found this hilarious :)

4 koma comic strip - It had Some Shining in It


beauty matters

beauty is really damn important to a girl. so boyfriends out there, if u want to prevent any disagreement, never criticize your girl's appearance. no matter how bad she looks.

i repeat, no matter, how bad she looks. trust me, i learnt it the hard way. hahaha.

just kidding sayang! (its true..)

comic strip is kidnapped from asaekkiga

mandi peluh

semalam aku baru sampai kat tanah toronto (aku tanak ngaku aku blajar kat tronoh) yang sejuk, damai, tenang, dan best (semua tipu2 belaka). lepas kemas bilik semalam, pagi tadi aku nak gi hantar dobi 8kg yg aku kumpul semalam.

ya, 8 kilogram. baru balek cuti kot. normal kan?... kan?

so, aku pun menghidupkan kereta. tukarkan ke gear "D". dan terus memecut pergi. semuanya berjalan  lancar sampai aku tedengar bunyi,
"flap, flap, flap..."
bukan, itu bukan bunyi 'fap'. sapa yg fikir bunyi tersebut adalah bunyi 'fap', sila cuci otak kuning korang.

otak korang mmg dah tahap kritikal.

apa-apa pun, nak dipendekkan citer, tayar depan seblah kiri pancit terok. so, aku tepaksa la struggle nak tukarkan ke tayar spare, tengah2 panas lak tu. dahla tengah demam. tapi, despite all of the troubles that happen, aku tetap ucap "Alhamdulillah" sebab
  •  ada brader maintenance UTP stop by and tolong skali
  •  tayar spare ada lam bonet, ada angin lak tu
  •  kete neo ada tool2 yg aku nak
  •  aku dah taw skang bahagian mane patut dijack
  •  aku dah pandai nak bukak cover rim
  •  tayar tak rosak terok, takyah ganti tayar ar
Alhamdulillah...see, there's positive things in everything. every problem is the teacher in our life, so don't panic when u faced one. jz accept it and try to solve it. my girlfriend, Suria Melanie always told me this. thanks boo.

 so next time kalo kereta korang pancit, sila jangan panggil aku.

aku kata jangan. sila panggil org lain :) jk

Monday, January 17, 2011

decide the route of your life

I  am certainly moved by the book "The 8th Habit" by Stephen R. Covey. it is a self-improvement type of book and i must say it is really great. i will share interesting quotes from the book in this blog from time to time.

One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree.
"Which road do i take?" she asked.
His response was a question : "Where do you want to go?"
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

-Lewis Carrol, Alice in Wonderland, via The 8th Habit-

Life without any plan will go nowhere. So, plan your life, work on strategies to achieve your goals. Insya-Allah, your life will not go to waste :D

p/s : thanks to Eddy Khazaidi for introducing the book :)

Cuppy Cake

WTH is cuppy cake??? ya, mungkin korang akan tertanya2 soalan ni. tp aku yakin yg korang pasti penah dgr lagu ni, or mungkin tedengar dr handphone org len. sebab dulu2 ramai yg guna lagu ni jadi ringtones/msg tones.

masih tak taw?? masih blur2?? perhaps the following will ring any bell,...
You’re my Honeybunch, Sugarplum
Pumpy-umpy-umpkin, You’re my Sweetie Pie..
yep, this is one of the videos yg dpt reaction "awwwww" sebab ke-cute-an yg teramat. ramai yg dah dgr, tp korang penah tak tgk muka budak yg nyanyi lagi ni? so the following black n white video show the original singer. video ni dibuat in 1994, by that time this cute little girl was only 3 years 10 months. simply amazing :D

Friday, January 14, 2011

alternate plot for famous movies

what happen if smarter decisions are made??

1. Lord of the Ring

Some Movies Would Be Way Shorter If... (6 pics)

there will be no sequels for LOTR and it will only be a short clip posted on YouTube

2. 300

Some Movies Would Be Way Shorter If... (6 pics)

the ugly thing won't betray Sparta and the 300 Spartans survive, grow old, and having grandchildren.

3. Gladiator

the legendary Gladiator won't stand a damn chance and the evil king will still reign.

quite make sense, right? LOL

more at izismile

karma is a prostitute

there's a saying that says "karma is a bitch" ,
i couldn't agree more (if there's anybody named 'karma', no offense dude)

when i was a little boy, i was a cartoon-maniac. i still remember how much i pissed my parents, and my siblings by conquering the tv. now, karma slap me rite in the face. my little sister did that to me. T.T

yeah guys, what goes around will really comes around. i always believe in that. if u done good deeds, somebody will repay u with good deeds, although it may not be the same person. and note that it vice versa. the opposite will happen too.

anywaaayyyyy, speaking of cartoon-maniac, there's a cartoon shows that i used to watch when i was a kid, called 'Captain Planet' (refer here). for those who lazy to refer, its a cartoon about saving the earth. frankly i don't remember much about the show but the comic strip below really made my day. (hint : BP oil spill)

Funny Commixed Pictures. Part 5 (50 pics) 


taken from comixed

Thursday, January 13, 2011


exam tgh berlangsung.aku memandang keadaan sekeliling. semua org tgh struggle nak siapkan paper. ada yg focus, ada yg tido. ok, this is it! i hope no one is going to hear it. "aahhhhh", keluh ku sambil mengipas2 hidung, belagak itu bukan angkaraku.

ya, aku tahu korang tgh tersipu2 skang ni. atau begelak kecil di dalam hati. sebab aku yakin semua org pernah melakukan aksi telarang di atas.

sape tak penah buat?

tahniah, korang tak normal.

kentut mmg memalukan, busuk, dan kejam. tp korang taw tak yg kat certain tempat kentut bleh jadi kes jenayah? believe it or not, here's the evidence.


wait! sebelum tu, aku nak check..sape taw ape kentut lam english? hahaha..takkan tak taw kot..hari2 buat :D



notice that phrase "..deliberately passed gas to disrupt the class.." ? budak ni mmg hati kering tahap cipan beranak lapan. kinda remind me of a friend of mine back at secondary school. skill kentut beliau sgt awesome, sampai bleh kentut sepanjang pejalanan dari hostel ke kelas. how awesome is that shit??

oh oh, lepas baca artikel ni aku baru taw kentut = "breaking wind" lam english.noob me.

get back up people

not long ago, result of last sem is released.

congrates to those who excel, remember dun brag about it

and for those who don't, cheer up. it is not the end of the world. and remember, stand back up.

this video always cheer me up. hope it does its miracle to you too :)

are you cool? think again.

never fail to make me laugh.
the lyrics, expression, voice are simply awesome!

thnx to Fuad Kisuke for the vid

wth did he sing about? click  here

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

not all 'strip' is bad

dulu aku slalu follow gempak, utopia, ujang and anything similar.main reason, sebab aku in love ngan comic strips. especially version 1 page ade 3 citer tu.

aku kurang gemar komik yg panjang sampai berpage2, sebab aku yakin hanya page last yg lawak. awal2 tu hanya plot cerita semata2. nak bagi majalah komik tebal so pembeli puas hati. takut bos marah sebab tak cukup page.

setuju? setuju? setuju?

sadly, nowadays komik2 camni dah,....
aaahh malas lak aku nak menambah dosa. dah byk sgt dah. so baek aku simpan lam hati utk renungan aku sorang.

so, dari aku beli, baik aku google je comic2 camni.
mudah, simple, lawak2, paling penting free.

komik bawah ni mmg buat aku LOL (hint : komik pasal sukan lompat tinggi)

 Funny Korean Comic Strips (41 pics)

komik ni lam bahsa korea, so korang agak2 sendiri la dialog tu :)

coffee talk

aku prefer nescafe daripada milo.

milo buat perut aku memulas kalau minum pagi2. aku tahu aku tidak keseorangan dalam hal ini.

mengaku cepat, jgn malu2.

lagipun aku rasa aku lebih matang apabila aku minum nescafe.
bagi aku milo adalah utk budak hingusan (walopun aku minum occasionally :D)

plus, nescafe boleh membuat seseorang jadi lebih pandai dan happy. sounds like a bullshit? refer to infographic below :-

taken from here

damn, patut lately aku slalu ke tandas. T.T

minimalist poster

aku slalu layan

jujur ckp blog ni mmg best and telah menarik minat aku untuk buat blog sendiri

pasal 'minimalist' pun aku tau byk dr blog tu, n since then aku trus minat.

bagi aku, aku lebih minat poster2 minimalist camni compared to poster serabut screen.
poster camni simple, deep impact and less bullshit

several examples of minimalist movie poster :-




taken from thisblogrules

rolling on floor laughing out loud

credits to Fuad Kisuke for the pic

aku tahu korang tak tanya tp aku tetap nak jawab

question of the day :

"apsal nama aku cam nama pompuan?"
time aku lahir aku hanya tahu nangis, nenen(minum susu, not the yellow thing in ur mind rite now), kencing dan berak.
kalo ada yg lahir terus bleh ckp atau buat soalan calculus aku ucapkan tahniah.
korang mmg boleh jadi tokoh kanak2 dan mengharumkan nama Malaysia.

ok, bebalik kepada topik.

so basically aku nak ckp yg impossible aku bleh bagi suggestion untuk nama aku.
lagipun nama anis ialah nama lelaki.

tipu? baik korang check buku nama2 islam sebelum korang meneruskan tomahan korang.

apa2 pun aku ttp blame anis suraya sebab mempopularkan nama anis sebagai nama pompuan. tapi, aku taw ada hikmah nama aku cam pompuan. so aku tarik balik 'blame' aku tadi.

anyway, kalo korang jumpa aku panggil aku anis.
jgn panggil izzuddin (kot2 korang rasa simpati kat aku), aku takkan layan.
jgn panggil aku pen*s, atau anu* , aku akan bagi kata2 carut.
so panggil aku anis. noktah.

aku bangga dgn nama aku. sound so cheesy but thats the truth :D